MOOY helped Andrei from Romania build his future in the Czech republic

Andrei, who comes from Romania, works in Prague as an architect. His work situation is stable as he has been working in the Czech republic for over a year. Andrei has the ambition to become a permanent resident of the Czech Republic and he is no longer comfortable living in a rental housing. He longs to own his own apartment in Prague, but ran into a problem when the bank refused to grant him a mortgage due to his lack of temporary residence.

Andrei can only obtain temporary residence after three years of continuous residence in the Czech republic. In this situation, he discovered MOOY, which buys the client’s chosen property and can move into it immediately. The client pays pre-agreed rent, and since he has already applied for temporary residency, he knows that he has only two years before he gets it.

He will then be able to immediately apply for a mortgage and take ownership of the apartment from MOOY.

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